zetamarkets_py.serum_client.types package#


zetamarkets_py.serum_client.types.account_flags module#

class zetamarkets_py.serum_client.types.account_flags.AccountFlags(initialized: 'bool', market: 'bool', open_orders: 'bool', request_queue: 'bool', event_queue: 'bool', bids: 'bool', asks: 'bool', disabled: 'bool', closed: 'bool', permissioned: 'bool', crank_authority_required: 'bool')#

Bases: object

asks: bool#
bids: bool#
closed: bool#
crank_authority_required: bool#
disabled: bool#
event_queue: bool#
classmethod from_decoded(obj: Container) AccountFlags#
classmethod from_json(obj: AccountFlagsJSON) AccountFlags#
initialized: bool#
layout: ClassVar = <Transformed <Transformed <Struct>>>#
market: bool#
open_orders: bool#
permissioned: bool#
request_queue: bool#
to_encodable() dict[str, Any]#
to_json() AccountFlagsJSON#
class zetamarkets_py.serum_client.types.account_flags.AccountFlagsJSON#

Bases: TypedDict

asks: bool#
bids: bool#
closed: bool#
crank_authority_required: bool#
disabled: bool#
event_queue: bool#
initialized: bool#
market: bool#
open_orders: bool#
permissioned: bool#
request_queue: bool#

zetamarkets_py.serum_client.types.queue module#

class zetamarkets_py.serum_client.types.queue.Event(event_flags: 'EventFlags', open_order_slot: 'int', fee_tier: 'int', native_quantity_released: 'int', native_quantity_paid: 'int', native_fee_or_rebate: 'int', order_id: 'int', public_key: 'Pubkey', client_order_id: 'int')#

Bases: object

client_order_id: int#
event_flags: EventFlags#
fee_tier: int#
classmethod from_decoded(obj: Container) Event#
layout: ClassVar = <CStruct>#
native_fee_or_rebate: int#
native_quantity_paid: int#
native_quantity_released: int#
open_order_slot: int#
order_id: int#
public_key: Pubkey#
class zetamarkets_py.serum_client.types.queue.EventFlags(fill: 'bool', out: 'bool', bid: 'bool', maker: 'bool')#

Bases: object

bid: bool#
fill: bool#
classmethod from_decoded(obj: Container) EventFlags#
layout: ClassVar = <Transformed <Transformed <Struct>>>#
maker: bool#
out: bool#
class zetamarkets_py.serum_client.types.queue.QueueHeader(account_flags: 'types.account_flags.AccountFlags', head: 'int', count: 'int', next_seq_num: 'int')#

Bases: object

account_flags: types.account_flags.AccountFlags#
count: int#
classmethod from_decoded(obj: Container) QueueHeader#
head: int#
layout: ClassVar = <CStruct>#
next_seq_num: int#

zetamarkets_py.serum_client.types.slab module#

class zetamarkets_py.serum_client.types.slab.Slab(header: 'SlabHeader', nodes: 'list[SlabNode | SlabInnerNode | SlabLeafNode]')#

Bases: object

classmethod from_decoded(obj: Container) Slab#
header: SlabHeader#
items(descending=False) Iterable[SlabLeafNode]#

Depth first traversal of the Binary Tree. Parameter descending decides if the price should descending or not.

layout: ClassVar = <CStruct>#
nodes: list[SlabNode | SlabInnerNode | SlabLeafNode]#
class zetamarkets_py.serum_client.types.slab.SlabHeader(bump_index: 'int', free_list_length: 'int', free_list_head: 'int', root: 'int', leaf_count: 'int')#

Bases: object

bump_index: int#
free_list_head: int#
free_list_length: int#
classmethod from_decoded(obj: Container) SlabHeader#
layout: ClassVar = <CStruct>#
leaf_count: int#
root: int#
class zetamarkets_py.serum_client.types.slab.SlabInnerNode(prefix_len: 'int', key: 'int', children: 'list[int]', is_initialized: 'bool' = True, next: 'int' = -1)#

Bases: object

children: list[int]#
classmethod from_decoded(obj: Container) SlabInnerNode#
is_initialized: bool = True#
key: int#
layout: ClassVar = <CStruct>#
next: int = -1#
prefix_len: int#
class zetamarkets_py.serum_client.types.slab.SlabLeafNode(owner_slot: 'int', fee_tier: 'int', tif_offset: 'int', key: 'int', owner: 'Pubkey', quantity: 'int', client_order_id: 'int', is_initialized: 'bool' = True, next: 'int' = -1)#

Bases: object

client_order_id: int#
fee_tier: int#
classmethod from_decoded(obj: Container) SlabLeafNode#
is_initialized: bool = True#
key: int#
layout: ClassVar = <CStruct>#
next: int = -1#
owner: Pubkey#
owner_slot: int#
quantity: int#
tif_offset: int#
class zetamarkets_py.serum_client.types.slab.SlabNode(is_initialized: 'bool', next: 'int')#

Bases: object

classmethod from_decoded(obj: Container) 'SlabNode' | SlabInnerNode | SlabLeafNode#
is_initialized: bool#
layout: ClassVar = <CStruct>#
next: int#

Module contents#