Example 3: Subscribing to Orderbook Accounts (Advanced)#

This is a more advanced version of subscribing to an account. Here we handle the websocket connection ourselves and open 2 account subscriptions to both the bid and ask accounts of the orderbook, streaming updates over the single websocket connection. Based on the subscription id, we can then determine which updates are bid and ask data.

import asyncio
import os

from solana.rpc.commitment import Confirmed
from solana.rpc.websocket_api import connect

from zetamarkets_py.client import Client
from zetamarkets_py.orderbook import Orderbook
from zetamarkets_py.serum_client.accounts.orderbook import OrderbookAccount
from zetamarkets_py.types import Asset, Side

# This example shows how to subscribe to multiple accounts over the same websocket connection
# This is useful for subscribing to the full orderbook (bids and asks) for a given market on Zeta

async def main():
    asset = Asset.SOL
    commitment = Confirmed
    endpoint = os.getenv("ENDPOINT", "https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com")
    ws_endpoint = os.getenv("WS_ENDPOINT", "wss://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com")

    # Load in client, we're simply using this to fetch the orderbook bids address
    client = await Client.load(endpoint=endpoint, assets=[asset])
    bids_address = client.exchange.markets[asset]._market_state.bids
    asks_address = client.exchange.markets[asset]._market_state.asks

    # Subscribe to both bids and asks over the same websocket connection
    async with connect(ws_endpoint) as ws:
        # Subscribe to the first address
        bids_subscription_future = asyncio.ensure_future(

        # Subscribe to the second address
        asks_subscription_future = asyncio.ensure_future(

        # Wait for both subscriptions to be completed before proceeding
        await asyncio.gather(bids_subscription_future, asks_subscription_future)

        # Collect subscription IDs
        subscription_ids = []
        while len(subscription_ids) < 2:
            result = (await ws.recv())[0].result
            # Filter for just the initial subscription id message
            if isinstance(result, int):

        # Assign subscription IDs to bids and asks
        bids_subscription_id, asks_subscription_id = subscription_ids

        print(f"Bids subscription id: {bids_subscription_id}")
        print(f"Asks subscription id: {asks_subscription_id}")

        # Wait for both subscriptions to be completed before proceeding
        await asyncio.gather(bids_subscription_future, asks_subscription_future)

        # Listen for messages related to both subscriptions
        async for msg in ws:
            # Decode the bytes received over the websocket based on the account data layout
            # Bids and asks have the same layout, so we can use the same decoder
            account = OrderbookAccount.decode(msg[0].result.value.data)
            # Process the account data
            side = Side.Bid if msg[0].subscription == bids_subscription_id else Side.Ask
            orderbook = Orderbook(side, account, client.exchange.markets[asset]._market_state)
            print("=" * 20 + side.name + "=" * 20)
            levels = orderbook._get_l2(5)
            if side == Side.Ask:
                levels = reversed(levels)
            for level in levels:
