Example 4: Subscribing to Events#

In this example we subscribe to all on-chain events related to our margin account (PlaceOrder, Trade, OrderComplete, Liquidate). This is helpful to keep track of when your orders go through, when you get filled on trades etc.

import asyncio
import os

import anchorpy
from solana.rpc.commitment import Confirmed

from zetamarkets_py.client import Client
from zetamarkets_py.events import (

async def main():
    # Get local filesystem keypair wallet, defaults to ~/.config/solana/id.json
    wallet = anchorpy.Wallet.local()
    commitment = Confirmed
    endpoint = os.getenv("ENDPOINT", "https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com")
    ws_endpoint = os.getenv("WS_ENDPOINT", "wss://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com")

    # Load in client without any markets
    client = await Client.load(
        endpoint=endpoint, ws_endpoint=ws_endpoint, commitment=commitment, wallet=wallet, assets=[]

    # Subscribe to margin account events
    print(f"Listening for events on margin account: {client._margin_account_address} (authority: {wallet.public_key})")
    async for events, _ in client.subscribe_events():
        # Loop over the events in each tx
        for event in events:
            # Event can be PlaceOrder, Trade, OrderComplete or Liquidate
            if isinstance(event, PlaceOrderEvent):
                print("Place order event: ", event)
            elif isinstance(event, TradeEvent):
                print("Trade event: ", event)
            elif isinstance(event, CancelOrderEvent):
                print("Cancel order event: ", event)
            elif isinstance(event, LiquidationEvent):
                print("Liquidation event: ", event)
            elif isinstance(event, ApplyFundingEvent):
                print("Funding event: ", event)
